Archive for 2011

Merry Christmas, 2011

by Bingle on Dec.25, 2011, under Richard Bingle Family

Just a quick post to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

Breaking with long-standing tradition, we didn’t go to the folks’ house this year, but instead had them come out to Orlando to our house where we feasted on some steaks from the grill and in general ate way too much.

Alyssa and Amber are quickly becoming experts at “The Claw”, basically a miniature (and kinder) version of the prize machines you see filled with stuffed animals you’d never actually buy if it wasn’t a “contest of skill”. Maybe we’ll get to try out the miniature cotton candy machine on Monday!

– Rich

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Thanksgiving 2011

by Bingle on Nov.25, 2011, under Richard Bingle Family

The holiday season, and especially Thanksgiving, can be painful for some and my heart goes out to Chris, Rob, Josh, and Jesse as they struggle thru their first Thanksgiving without Noah.

Despite the terrible tragedy of Noah’s death, we’ve also got quite a bit to be thankful for this year…

We had some pretty serious health scares earlier this year. First with Dad’s “incident”in the emergency room which landed him in ICU for almost a week. But after a couple of weeks in the hospital (including over his 81st birthday) and a few weeks in rehab he’s back home and “as onery as ever”. Mom’s stay in ICU and the hospital later this summer was thankfully much shorter and she too is back home “not resting”.

Ashley continues to enjoy college life and is looking forward to spending a few weeks in January over in England with some fellow Calvin College computer science students volunteering at Operation Mobilization doing some software testing and documentation.

Amber is turning “sweet sixteen” and is doing great in her Florida Virtual School classes!

Alyssa too is doing great in her FLVS classes! She also seems to really enjoy helping Karen teach the pre-school Sunday School class.

We also got to enjoy a long vacation this summer – hiking in the mountains, rafting down a river, zipping over the treetops, exploring a cave, riding horses, watersliding, and seeing family! Hopefully I’ll have some time soon to get a full trip report up on the site.

Happy Thanksgiving!

– Rich

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It’s Alive!

by Administrator on Oct.21, 2011, under Site News

You may have already surmised from the long draught of postings from early this year through late summer (or from your inability to get the site to come up at all in your browser for several months) that there were some fairly serious problems with Not only did we have some software issues, but those were then compounded with a catastrophic hardware failure. While everything was recoverable, with everything else going on this summer and the lack of ready replacement hardware, restoration of the site wasn’t a top priority.

But, we are back in business now and ready for your updates!

– Rich

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