Jim Bingle – Saturday 9/15 11:00 a.m. Update

by Bingle on Sep.15, 2007, under Jim Bingle

I know there haven’t been any updates in a week – I went home on Monday and have been at work all week (although I have been calling in to the CSU once a day) to check his status.

Anyway, I visited Dad this morning and he is looking much better than the last time I saw him. Over the past week they ended up putting the breathing tube back in for a couple of days because his oxygenation levels were apparently too low. I think they ended up taking it back out on Wednesday or so. This morning he was sitting in a recliner watching TV. He has also apparently been walked down the hall in CSU a couple of times, so that is a positive sign as well.

Don will be coming down for a week about the time that Chris heads home for a week or so, after which she plans on coming back out for a while.

It will be nice once Dad is transferred out of the CSU to a regular room so that his chess buddies can come in (one at a time!) to play some chess with him. I think he’d enjoy that. Also, once he is in a regular room, Karen can bring the girls over for a visit as well.

– Rich

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